Tareno’s water fund receives FNG label with top rating

The Tareno Global Water Solutions Fund has been awarded the FNG label for the seventh time in a row and has once again received three out of three possible stars.
Logo FNG Seal 2025 with 3 stars for our water fund. This is the highest rating of the coveted and renowned sustainability seal in the DACH region.

November 2024


About the FNG-label

The Tareno Global Water Solutions Fund has been awarded the FNG label for the seventh time in a row and has once again received three out of three possible stars.

The FNG label was developed by Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V., or FNG for short, together with academics from the University of Hamburg and civil society stakeholders. Following its introduction in 2015, it quickly established itself as a quality standard for sustainable investment funds in German-speaking countries.

The Tareno Global Water Solutions Fund was the first water fund ever to receive the coveted label of approval in 2018.

Improved sustainability performance is recognized by the FNG

“We are delighted to receive this award once again and are proud to have retained our third star,” comments Katja Von Krannichfeldt, ESG analyst and fund manager at Tareno. “Over the past few years, we have made great progress at all levels of the sustainability process. Having the quality of our process audited and certified by an external body such as the FNG is very important for the market.”

In addition to the minimum requirements that must be met in order to be awarded the FNG label, there is a so-called level model. In this model, up to three stars can be achieved in the areas of institutional credibility, product standards, selection strategy, dialogs and key performance indicators. The Tareno Global Water Solutions Fund once again receives three out of three possible stars in all categories.

The task now is to maintain and further improve this high standard. We are also looking forward to the future development of the FNG label, which could include new categories for impact and transition products.


Link to press release


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