Drinking Water System Guatemala

Indigene Guatemaltekin öffnet einen Hahnen für Trinkwasser.

The “Water for Health and Hygiene” project focuses on increasing access to clean drinking water and improving hygiene conditions in the community of Chiquim Guaxcux in Guatemala. To this end, a drinking water supply system with gravity pipes was developed specifically for low-income families in the region in collaboration with our project partner Tamahú Guatemala. In addition, local education programs were organized to create a deep understanding and awareness of the importance of water and hygiene. The entire project has already led to a reduction in water-related diseases and is thus making a significant contribution to improving the community’s quality of life.

Further background information on the project can be found in the project descripsition. Original language of the document is Spanish. It was translated into English with a program. Or in the video of our partner organisation, also in Spanish. 

Partner company: Verein Tamahú Guatemala
Construction year: 2023
Installation site: Chiquim Guaxcux, Tamahú, Guatemala
Type of installation: Drinking water system with gravity pipes
Over 22'000 litres of water are made available every day
250 people benefit from a direct connection to the drinking water supply
Auf dem Bild sieht man Leitungen des Trinkwassersystems von unserem Impact Projekt in Guatemala. Das Projekt wurde mit der Impact Anteilsklasse des Wasserfonds finanziert.