Tareno Water Fund gives 90 families in Guatemala access to clean drinking water

Fotos unseres Trinkwasserprojekts in Guatemala. Ermöglicht durch Spenden aus der Impact Anteilsklassen des Wasserfonds von Tareno und unserem Projektpartner Verein Tamahu Guatemala.

As part of this drinking water project, a gravity-based drinking water system was introduced in the community of Nah Chuwua (Tamahú Guatemala) to provide 90 families with safe water and reduce water-related diseases.

The project was made possible in collaboration with our project partner “Verein Tamahú Guatemala” and through donations from the impact share class of the Tareno Global Water Solutions Fund – a great opportunity for institutional investors to make a real impact against drinking water scarcity.

In addition to the technical implementation, training courses on water hygiene, waste management and maintenance of the system were organised to ensure sustainable improvements and establish a secure water supply in the long term.

Further information and photos can be found in the project description.

Partner company: Verein Tamahú Guatemala
Construction year: 2024
Installation site: Nahchuwa Community, San Pablo Tamahú, Alta Verapaz Guatemala
Type of installation: Gravity-based drinking water system
Purifies up to 50'000 litres of water per day
Around 500 people benefit from the system
Fotos unseres Trinkwasserprojekts in Guatemala. Ermöglicht durch Spenden aus der Impact Anteilsklassen des Wasserfonds von Tareno und unserem Projektpartner Verein Tamahu Guatemala.