An equity fund characterised by continuity

Already launched in 2007, our water fund looks back on many successful years. The team which is responsible for the performance, has extensive knowledge and experience with investments in the water sector.

The performance

This is how the Tareno Global Water Solutions Fund has performed since its launch. Total return since fund inception up to 31.12.2024:

Abbildung der Tareno Global Water Solutions Fund Performance seit Lancierung im Jahr 2007 im Vergleich mit der Peergruppe aus anderen Wasserfonds. Tareno Wasserfonds +298.7% übertrifft Peergruppe: +225.6%

Source: Tareno Asset Management

Fund inception on September 10th, 2007. The past performance is not indicative of future results. The performance shown does not take into account any commissions and costs charged.


Would you like to find out more about the development of our water fund? In our publications you will find a monthly article about our fund as well as many other reports on the investment theme of water.


Portrait Stefan Schütz

Do you have any questions about the performance or development of the Tareno Global Water Solutions Fund?

Our fund manager Stefan Schütz looks forward to hearing from you.

Basic Details

Investment Manager Tareno AG
Fund Manager Stefan Schütz and Katja Von Krannichfeldt
Umbrella SICAV Variopartner
Legal form Luxemburger SICAV, UCITS V
Asset class Shares
Fund currency Euro
End of financial year 30 June
Inception date 10.09.2007
Management company Vontobel Management S.A.
Auditor Ernst & Young S.A.
Custodian State Street Bank International GmbH
Administrator State Street Bank International GmbH
Trading frequency Daily to NAV
Cut-off 15:45
Value date T + 2
Publication NAV
Licensed for distribution CH, DE, LU, LI, ES, AT, FR, GB*


* Please check the country registration for the relevant share class in the relevant factsheet or at: Share Classes and Documents

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